The "wonder" of Wonder bread

Saturday mornings are always my favorite time to revisit my mother's classic breakfast recipes. When I was growing up it was those Saturday mornings that I would wake up to wonderful aromas filling the kitchen. "French Toast" was today's craving and Wonder bread was the ultimate classic ingredient. Now it seems that with today's health kicks "whole grain" products have taken over the bread aisle, but I think you would agree that Wonder bread has something special about it, incomparable to any other. Yes we are talking about the white bread of all white breads. Peanut butter and jelly never tasted better than when paired with two slices of Wonder bread. The same goes for making French toast. Starting out with a mixture of four whisked eggs with a splash of milk dip both sides of the sliced bread and place on a preheated non-stick skillet at medium heat. Next sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon over the tops. When the side-down is golden brown flip (carefully) and again repeat with the same brown sugar/ cinnamon topping. It will not take very long for the heat to melt the sugary goodness and voia la your French toast just needs a drizzle of your favorite maple syrup.

I think Mom would be proud of this one.
I don't now about you , but I think he new Classic White bread is not the same as the old wonder bread even though they say the formula is the same. It isn't as soft and doesn't stay soft and it has a flatter taste. If yo agree write to the company and demand they bring back the original. this si the classic Coke story all over again.
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